Rotary is 1.4 million passionate individuals in 46,000+ clubs worldwide. We are both an international organization and a local community leader. Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world.

Impact starts with our members — people like you who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

At club meetings in communities across the globe, our people of action come together to strengthen their connections to friends and neighbors and their commitment to improving lives.

Who can join?

We’re looking for people who want to give back to their communities.

Rotary clubs also welcome Rotaractors, Rotary Peace Fellows, and other members of the family of Rotary who qualify for membership.

How can I become a member?

Membership in a Rotary or Rotaract club is by invitation only. We want to make sure you join a club that best fits your passion and perspective. We can connect you with a club that’s right for you and make it easy to get involved and on your way to membership immediately.



What are the benefits?

Becoming a Rotary member connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back. Through regular meetings and events, you’ll:

  • Discuss your community’s needs and develop creative ways to meet them
  • Connect with other leaders who are changing the world
  • Expand your leadership and professional skills
  • Catch up with good friends and meet new ones

Other benefits of membership include:

The Rotary International Convention is our biggest event of the year. Rotary members from more than 130 countries meet at the convention each year to celebrate our successes and make plans for the future.

Rotary Fellowships give members the chance to join a group of people who share similar interests, hobbies, or vocations. Some groups use their fellowship to make a positive difference.

Rotarian Action Groups unite Rotary members, family members, program participants and alumni who share their expertise in particular fields by collaborating with clubs and districts on projects.

What’s expected of me?

As a club member, you will be asked to:

  • Pay club dues
  • Attend meetings and events
  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference


Rotaract and Interact clubs

If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18, you may be interested in joining an Interact club, a service club for youth. If you’re a young professional, at least 18 years old, you may be interested in joining a Rotaract club. Like Rotary clubs, Rotaract and Interact clubs give their members the chance to make friends, develop leadership skills, and create positive change. Learn more about Rotaract and Interact clubs.

Active Members of RCDS
Abangan, Bernard Louie Bernard Master Mariner
Adriano, Jose Edgardo J. Edo General Agriculture
Amante, Jonathan C. Jone Internal Medicine – Neuphrology
Amor, Alex, Jr.  A. Alex Organic Fertilizers Mfg
Amor, Jed Jed Physical Therapy
Baylon, Elmore, Jr. Loloy Optical Services
Bejar, Myles Nicholas G. Mylles Legal Education
Bungabong, Jun Rex Jun Business Owner
Bustamante, Elson Erp Trial Advocacy
Cabiles, Robert Rob Water Distribution
Catacutan, Richard Richard Family Lawyer Practice
Catacutan, Arman Arman Law Practice / Public Attorney
Cayang, Christopher Jay V. Jake BPO Management
Chiu, Jose U. Joe Radiology
Chua, Jeorex Rex Recycling
Diputado, Apolonio, Jr. Boy Government Prosecutor
Dejaresco, Anton Marlon Eric. I. Anton Corporate Law Practice
Duran, Robert Obet Merchant Seafaring
Fuentes, Gilbert Bert Food Products Distribution
Fungo, Ronoel Ron Law Enforcement
Genove, Mark Ronald Mark Nutrition Education
Green, Matthew Matt Psychiatric Nursing
Higgins, Mark Mark Manufacturing
Jordan, Jeremy F. Jeremy Government Construction
Kleine Koerkamp, Jobert Jobert Agriculture
Lagahit, Neil Ray Bimbo Legislative Administration
Ligutom, Ponciano Nonoy Management Consultancy
Lim, Renante Angelo S. Ran Architecture
Liu, Henry Q. Hen General Merchandising
Managing, Ludo Dodong Car Distribution
Martinez, Allan Allan Judicial Administration
Mascardo, Jessie E. Jess Banker
Matiao, Wilkie L. Wilky Non-Life Insurance
Matiao, Willington L. Tona Sea Transportation
Molas, John Michael Owen Seafarer
Morelos, Jan Ashley E. Ashley Marine Engineering
Morelos, Rick Mitch Marthel Mitch Car Rental Services
Pal, Alex Rey Alex Communication Management
Pinili, Froilan Joseph Froilan Government Administration
Quisil, Randy Randy Rural Banking
Rabaca, Carl Carl Petrol Retail
Ramirez, Aldrin Aldrin Construction
Roleda, Alexander Alex Agri-Vet Product Distribution
Romarate, Carlos, Jr. Caloy Software Development
Sagarbarria, Manuel, Jr. Chiquiting Sugar Trading
Sojor, Henry A. Henry Education
Sy, Marcelo Mars Gym Operation
Uy, Ryan Ryan Franchise Management
Uymatiao, Gregorio, Jr. L. Greg Structural Engineering
Viking, Niño Niño CAR
Yao, Philip Epoy Software Development