Alex Rey “Alex” Pal (RY 2023 – 2024)
Profile to be posted soon.
Alex Rey “Alex” Pal (RY 2023 – 2024)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Create Hope in the World”
RY 2023-2024
Aurelio “Tata Eliong” Lloren Bodo (RY 2022 – 2023)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Imagine Rotary”
RY 2022-2023
Renante Angelo “Ran” Lim (RY 2021 – 2022)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Serve to Change Lives”
RY 2021-2022
Renante Angelo “Ran” Lim (RY 2020 – 2021)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Rotary Opens Opportunities”
RY 2020-2021
Ludo “Dodong” Managing (RY 2019 – 2020)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Rotary Connects the World”
RY 2019-2020
André “Andre” Jacobo (RY 2018 – 2019)
Profile to be posted soon.
“Be the Inspiration”
RY 2018-2019
Froilan Joseph “Froilan” B. Pinili (RY 2017 – 2018)
A Lawyer with classification of Government Administration. “The Great President’ per Rotary Year 2017 2018 and President for the 4oth Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Dumaguete South. The Assistant Provincial Administrator of the LGU Province of Negros Oriental. Attended the Membership and TRF Seminar for Rotary Clubs in Visayas at Cebu Parklane International Hotel in Cebu City and DISCON 2017 at Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City.
“Rotary: Making a Difference”
RY 2017-2018
Allan “Allan” C. Martinez (RY 2016 – 2017)
A Lawyer with classification of Judicial Administration. During his term CDS members participated One Rotary One Districr One Mangrove Plantation at Boardwalk Tanjay City; 1st RCDS MTB Fun Ride at Puncak Tanawan, Sibulan, Negros Oriental Ride for a Cause; Club donated CR together with Philippine Women’s Association (PWO) of Bomblo, Norway at Enrique Villanueva High School; CDS Feeding Program with corporate sponsors Harbour City Dimsum House, Chin Loong Restaurant and WILROSE Herb for mango juice concentrate at Talay Mental Rehabilitation Center. Attended 2016 One Seamless Seminar at Waterfront Insular Hotel, Davao City and DISCON 2017 at Waterfront Hotel Cebu City.
“Rotary: Serving Humanity”
RY 2016-2017
Eliezer “Ely” A. Escorial (RY 2015 – 2016)
A retired City Prosecutor with classification of Criminal Prosecution. Activities during his term: Participated Coastal Clean-up day at Silliman, Beach, Dumaguete City in partnership with the Bank of the Philippines Island (BPI)-Dumaguete Branch; Crime Prevention and Drug Education Seminar at NORSU Gynmasium, Main Campuse I, Dumaguete City; Re: Urban Green Orientation/ Seminar at Dumaguete Public Market; Medical, Dental and Feeding Program at Quezon Park, Dumaguete City; Feeding Program; Donated 1 unit Detecto Weighing Scale and 1 unit of Jetmactic Pump; Distribute of RCDS White Gifts to Porters and Security Guard at Pier, Area, Dumaguete City; Medical Equipments and Supplies given to Vallehermoso Rural Health Center, Negros Oriental.
“Be a Gift to the World”
RY 2015-2016
Myles Nicholas “Myles” G. Bejar (RY 2014 – 2015)
A Lawyer and Dean in College of Law, Silliman University with classification of Legal Education. Activities during his term are Feeding Program at Camanjac Elementary School; Lakbay Legal, Traffic Awareness Program, Rules and Regulations; Distribution of tables from CDS MG Computer Project at Bacong Central School; Anti-Drug Summit Prevention and Control Summit 2014 jointly present in Dumaguete City; Distribution of White Gifts to the patients of Talay Rehabilitation Center. Attended Membership and TRF Seminar for Rotary Clubs in Visayas at Cebu Parklane International Hotel in Cebu City.
“Light up Rotary”
RY 2014-2015
Leo “Leo” G. Bollos (RY 2013 – 2014)
A medical doctor with classification of Pediatrics. Activities during his term are Club donated for the victims of typhoon Havan (Yolanda) to Leyte together with the Matiao Marketing; Club project donated 1 kindergarten classroom in collaboration with FP Willes Matiao at Camanjac Elemtary School; Donated P20,000.00 to the earthquake victims in Bohol; Medial and Legal Mission at Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental. Attended DISCON 2014 at Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City and PETS/SETS Training Seminar and DISTAS 2014 at Cebu Grand Hotel.
“Engage Rotary Change Lives”
RY 2013-2014
Teresito “Terry” V. Orbeta (RY 2012 – 2013)
A former Radiology Department Head in Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital with classification of Sonology. Activities during his term are Feeding Program; Club donated 10k for the repair of the fence damage by the flood of typhoon Sendong at Tubtubon Elementary School; Interact of RTPMDSHS, Dumaguete City; Turn-over of 45 computers and signing of MOA at Magsaysay Elementary School, Dauin, Negros Oriental; Donated Medical Items at NOHHSC, RHU of Vallehermos and Guihulngan District Hopsital; Medical and Supplies for NOPH and Siquijor; RNH Medical Equipments and Supplies donated to NOPH, SUMC and Bais District Hospital; Relief Mission Juno Elementary School. Attended DISTAS 2012 at Sabin Resort Hotel, 2nd Tri District Seamless Seminar in Bacolod City and DISCON 2013 at Cebu City.
“Peace through Service”
RY 2012-2013
Edmund “Ed” P. Gonzales (RY 2011 – 2012)
A former branch Manager of Social Security System (SSS). Activities during his term such as Medical and Relief Mission at Candau-ay Elementary School, Tanjay City; Medical-Dental Mission sponsored by the Lesh Family Foundation supported by the Club; Career Orientation at FU High School; Launching Artificial Reef Project at Calindagan Wharf and launching of the used Tires Artificial Reef in Banilad; Distributed School Supplies at Batinguel Elementary School and Candau-ay Elementary School. Attended DISCON 2011 a Radison Blu Hotel Cebu City; Seamless Seminar in Cagayan de Oro City and DISCON 2012 at Davao.
“Reach within to Embrace Humanity”
RY 2011-2012
Neil Ray “Bimbo” Lagahit (RY 2010 – 2011)
A Lawyer with classification of Chief of Staff of Cong. Manuel Sagarbarria. Hosted DISTAS VISAYAS 2011 at the Negros Oriental Convention Center. Various activities are donated Ceiling Fans at Taclobo High School and implement the Internal Club of Ramon Teves Memorial Dumaguete Science High School (RTPMSHS). Attended DISCON 2011 at Radison Blu Hotel Cebu City.
“Building Communities Bridging Continents”
RY 2010-2011
Alfredo “Dodo” B. Bustamante III (RY 2009 – 2010)
A businessman with classification of Stock Broker. During his term CDS received Matching Grant Projects CDS MG 72730 Computerization Project and CDS MG 6978 Mobile Clinic and also donated for Polio; Various activities are Medical Dental Mission at Calindagan Elementary School; Books from Across the Sea were distributed and received by the North City Elementary School and Papi, Dumaguete City.
“The Future of Rotary is in your Hands”
RY 2009-2010
Archer Baldwin “Arch” Martinez (RY 2008 – 2009)
A lawyer with classification of Legal Practioner. Attended the PETS/DISTAS 2008 at Cebu International Center and Rotary Foundation Seminar and Fellowship at White Gold House Cebu City.
“Make Dreams Real”
RY 2008-2009
Rafael ‘Raffy” G. Besas (RY 2007 – 2008)
A former Manager of Visayas Goodwill Credit Corporation with classification of Credit and Lending. Activities done during his term: Bloodletting activity; Planting the mangrove seedlings at Pagatban, Bayawan; Lutuban Water Project, a WCS project of RI Dist. 2790, Japan benefit 200 Household Barangay beneficiaries; Medical, Dental and Legal Mission in Canlaon City; Career Orientation at Foundation University. Attended DISCON 2008 @ Cebu International Convention Center.
“Rotary Shares”
RY 2007-2008
Antonio “Tony” Cariño (RY 2006 – 2007)
A Barangay Captain with the classification of Real State. RESCUE OPERATION for MATHEMATICS EDUCATION UNDER Matching Grant #54989 at West City Elementary, City Central Elementary School and South City Elementary School. Donated 2 computers, 1 printer, 2 tables and 2 chairs at LCP, Daro and 1 computer, 1 printer, 1 table and 1 chair to South City Elementary School. Attended DISCON 2007 at Almont Inland Resort, Butuan City. Awarded as Most Outstanding Club President Zone 3D.
“Lead the Way”
RY 2006-2007
Mark “Mark” Higgins (RY 2005 – 2006)
A former Director of Resort Management at Castaways Beach Resort, Bulak, Daun, Negros Oriental. Activities done during his term: Rescue Operation on Mathematics (ROME) Matching Grant No. 54989 at West City Elementary School; Blood-letting activity of COP; Medical-Dental Mission co-sponsored by the Lesh Family Foundation (LFF) together with RCDS at Dalakit, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental; Career Orientation at Dauin National High School; RCDS jointly sponsored by LTO, PNP with the topic of Traffic Safety and Enforcement with LTO officials from Cebu City as resource person.
“Service Above Self”
RY 2005-2006
Jose “Joe” U. Chiu (RY 2004 – 2005)
A Chairman of Radiologist/ Sonologist in Silliman Medical Center with classification of Radiology. Render free service for the Ultrasound Clinic project of CDS which serve indigent patients referred by the City Health Officers and Doctors of Gawad Kalinga and Habitat for Humanity. Another project of RCDS on Educational Assistance for Grade School Children in Public Schools. During his term he turn-over the wheel chairs at SUMC; Bloodletting activity; RCDS Medical Surgical Dental Outreach Program in Amio, Sta. Catalina; donated table and chairs for School. Attended DISCON 2015. A Centennial President and received the award of RCDS as Outstanding Service in promoting the Rotary Foundation and its Goal of World and understanding and Peace.
“Celebrate Rotary”
RY 2004-2005
Roy “Roy” S. Arco (RY 2003 – 2004)
A doctor with classification of Family Medicine. Activitie: done during his term: Feeding Program at Calindagan, Dumaguete City; Medical / Dental Outreach Mission in Amnio Community Hospital at Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental; Water project for Negros Provincial Hospital (NOPH) of CDS funded through WCS Committee of Chiba, Japan which is a lasting project which serves the hospital and its patients and staff. Attended DISCON 2014 and DISATS 2004 at Montebello Hotel in Banilad, Cebu City. An outstanding Club President in Zone 3D.
“Lend a Hand”
RY 2003-2004
Rafael Rallos (RY 2002 – 2003)
Served as President of the Club’s 25th Silver Anniversary. Activities done during his term: Bloodletting at Quezon Park; Donated Books to Pamplona National High School; Launching of the Non-Formal Education in Tailoring at Calindagan Elementary School; Career Orientation at Sibulan Municipal High School; Ground breaking ceremony of the Children’s Playground at Calindagan, Dumaguete City; Feeding Program at Quezon Pak. Attended DISCON 2003 in Tacloban City and PETS DISTAS 2003 in Cebu Majestic Convention Center, Cebu City.
“Sow the Seeds of Love”
RY 2002-2003
Raul “Raul” M. Villanueva (RY 2001 – 2002)
A businessman with classification of Cosmetics Distribution. Host of the Membership Development and Retention Seminar. Sponsored the Dalaygon Dumaguetnon Awards and Serbisyo Publiko, the live Rotary Hour TV show. Conducted career orientations and distributed books to different schools. Conducted the Feeding Program. Introduce to the Province a livelihood program call “BLESSED PEDRO CALUNGSOD HEALING MINISTRY FOOT THERAPY”. It is still being maintained in nearby town particularly in the City of Dumaguete. Donor of billboards, streamers, used clothing, detergent and cosmetics to pupils at the Avocado Elementary School, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental. Recipient of certificates of recognition for various projects. Awarded Most Outstanding Vocational Project (Serbisyo Publiko), and Most Outstanding Club and Club President in Zone 3-D, and The RI 2001 2002 Presidential Citation as Distinguished Rotary Club & Club President Worldwide. TMF board of director, RY 2003 -2006.
“Mankind is our Business”
RY 2001-2002
Edgar “Ed” L. Calinawagan (RY2000 – 2001)
A banker with classification of Commercial Banking. Sponsored the Reflexo-foot Therapy Seminar and Training, conducted Oratorical Contest. Recipient of the District Governor’s Citation for achieving the RI President Citation and the District 3860 Citation Program. RCDS was awarded as one of Top12 Outstanding Clubs in Zone 1 & 2 of District 3860. Chairperson of the Membership Development & Retention Seminar for Visayas Clubs with RCDS as host. Organized the Reflexo-foot Therapy into a Rotary community corporation. TMF director, RY 2003 2006.
“Create Awareness, Take Action”
RY 2000-2001
Manuel “Chiquiting” Sagarbarria, Jr. (RY1999-2000)
A businessman with classification of Sugar Trading. Attended RI Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Signed the sisterhood agreement with RC Cebu Fuente. Conducted career orientations and distributed books. Held Medical Dental Outreach Program in Sagbang, and in Lunga, Valencia, Negros Oriental. During his term, RCDS was awarded Outstanding RVC of Apolong, Valencia, Outstanding RVS Sponsor, and Outstanding Individual Advocate (Asst. Sec. Atilano “Jun” Merced Jr.) during the RVC National Convention in Pasay City. Awarded Outstanding Club President in Zone 2-B of District 3860, and RCDS was also awarded as Outstanding Club. TMF director for three years.
“Rotary 2000: Act with Consistency, Credibility, Continuity”
RY 1999-2000
Antonio “Tony” C. Paalan (RY1998 1999)
mechanical engineer and a BS Electrical has a classification of Engineering and Physics Education. Awards and Citation : R.I. Presidential Outstanding Award; District Rotary Dream Club; Most Outstanding Club; Most Outstanding President; Most Outstanding Club Bulletin. Other than the above, twenty two (22) meritorious service and recognition certificates were received from the benefactors projects as planned and envisioned by the Avenues of Service were surely accomplished as manifested by the above declaration of AWARDS.
“Follow your Rotary Dream”
RY 1998-1999
Henry “Hen” Q. Liu (RY 1997 – 1998)
A businessman with classification of General Merchandising. Established a sisterhood agreement with RC Makati South and RC Sta. Ynez of California, District 5240 3790. Held Medical and Dental Outreach Programs, and Poster-Making Contest among high school students on Charter Day at the Dumaguete City Dumpsite & Ecological Park in Candau-ay. Inagurated RCDS/RCMS/DCG funded fishpond at the Ecological Park. During his term, RCDS donated P40,000 for one house at the Habitat for Humanity. Donated supplies to Avocado Elementary School in Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental. Received recognition from District Governor for hosting Inter City Fora, and Group Study Exchange activities.
“Show that Rotary Cares”
RY 1997-1998
Patrick “Bebot” S. Chua (RY 1996 1997)
A dentist with classification of Orthodontist. Conducted Oratorical Contest. Organized the Rotaract Club at the Central Visayas Polytechnic College, and sponsored the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). Chairperson of the Secretariat during the DISTAS 96. President of ROSAS Foundation in RY 2001 2003. Established relations with the Kanagawa Alliance of Dental Volunteers Overseas (KADVO) that conducted free harelip and cleft palate operations on indigent patients. Awarded Most Outstanding Club President Zone 1-B Category IV, and Most Outstanding Club Category IV.
“Build the Future with Action and Vision”
RY 1996-1997
Jonathan “Jone” C. Amante (RY 1995 1996)
A doctor with classification International Medicine Nephrology. Chairperson of the hosting group for DISTAS ’96,dubbed as the “Mother of all DISTAS” in District 3860. Sponsored a raffle draw with a car as grand prize. Continued the Oratorical Contest, Dalaygong Dumaguetnon Awards, and held a Multi-Disciplinary Outreach Program in Sagbang, Valencia, Negros Oriental. Awarded as Outstanding Club President, and Outstanding Club Category A in District 3860. TMF director during RY 2002 2003.
“Act with Integrity, Serve with Love, Work for Peace”
RY 1995-1996
Danilo ” Danny’ V. Olegario (RY1994 1996)
A doctor with classification of Orthopedics. Initiated the seminar and training of barangay health workers. Awarded as Most Outstanding Club President and CDS was awarded as No. 1 in District 3860 with the Most Improved Capita.
“Be a Friend”
RY 1994-1995
Raul “Raul” Dumalag (RY1993 1994)
A businessman with classification of Sand & Gravel Distribution. Charter member. Launched the Dalaygong Dumaguetnon (Praise-worthy Dumagueteno Awards), with the assistance of the Silliman University Social Work department. Host of the Inter-City Forum. Conducted MultiDisciplinary Outreach Program in Balisong, Manjuyod, Negros Oriental. Initiated the tree planting at Claytown, Daro in Dumaguete City. Awarded as Most Outstanding President, and CDS was awarded Most Outstanding Club in District 3860.
“Believe in What You Do; Do What You Believe in”
RY 1993-1994
Apolonio “Boy” Diputado (RY1992-1993)
A lawver with classification on Jail Administrator. Started the Functional Literacy Program in Bongbong and in Lunga, Valencia, Negros Oriental, in coordination with the Silliman University College of Education. Awarded Most Outstanding Club President and CDS was awarded as Most Outstanding Club in District 3860.
“Real Happiness is Helping Others”
RY 1992-1993
Zachary “Zachy” Beltran (RY1991 1992)
A barrister with classification of Jail Administration. Currently a resident of California, USA. Under the Rn. Rajan Dulamal (ROSAS) Foundation Inc., German surgeons Dr. Egbert Machtens and son Dr. Estefen Machtens for the first time operated on harelip and cleft palate patients. Awarded as Most Outstanding President and CDS was also awarded Most Outstanding Club in District 3860.
“Look Beyond Yourself”
RY 1991-1992
Alex “Alex” A. Amor, Jr. (RY1990 1991)
An agriculturist with classification of Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing, a Charter member. Governor’s Group Representative and awarded as Exemlary District Officer. During his term, RCDS was awarded as Most Outstanding Club in District 3860. In charge of tree planting activity in Camp Lily during the District Governor’s visit. TMF director for nine years.
“Honor Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm”
RY 1990-1991
Youman “Boy” Uymatiao (RY 1989 1990)
businessman with classification of Restaurant Management; Charter member. Attended DISTAS and DISCON. Awarded as Most Outstanding Club President and during his term, the CDS bagged for the first time the Most Outstanding Club in District 3860 with Dr. Herminio Villano as District Governor. Served as Assistant Governor in RY 1996 -1997 and RY 1997.
“Enjoy Rotary”
RY 1989-1990
Honorato “Andy” Andaya (RY 1988 1989)
A lawyer with classification of Legal Administration. Responsible in the registration of the Rn. Martin “Ting” Matiao Foundation, Inc. (TMF) with the SEC on June 9, 1989 as a non-stock, non-profit, and self sustaining organization. TMF director for 12 years.
“Pull Life into Rotary-Your Life”
RY 1988-1989
Dominador “Junny” Dumalag (RY 1987 – 1988)
A mechanical engineer; chairperson during the 2nd District Assembly in Dumaguete (DISTAS); organized the joint Rotary sponsorship for the hosting the year 1998 District Assembly. Serve as Executive Director of Rotarian Martin “Ting” Matiao Foundation, Inc. during its formative years.
“Rotarians: United in Service, Dedicated to Peace”
RY 1987-1988
Solano “Lan” Balucan (RY 1986 – 1987)
A CPA and a banker. Started the Weekly Bulletin, and later, had its format changed so as to generate funds through printed advertisements. The Bulletin has now evolved into “The Spinning Wheel”, the RCDS weekly bulletin.
“Rotary Brings Hope”
RY 1986-1987
Susano “Sano” O. Sy (RY 1985 – 1986)
A businessman with the classification of Copra Distribution. Encouraged the faithful participation of the members; donated water wells in Calindagan; sourced funding from Rotary District 550 of Ontario, Canada for the construction of shallow and deep wells in Dumaguete and in Negros Oriental.
“You are the Key”
RY 1985-1986
Gregorio “Greg” L. Uymatiao, Jr. (RY 1984 – 1985)
A civil engineer with the classification of Structural Engineering. Consistent in attending District and Regional Rotary Conventions, visited the RI office in Chicago; provided significant materials for the Club.
“Discover a New World of Service”
RY 1984-1985
Jaime “Jimmy” Tan (RY 1983 -1984)
A doctor with the classification of Ophthalmologist; carried out community health projects; and authority in Rotary Rules and Regulations to which he obliged all Club members to follow dutifully.
“Share Rotary, Service People”
RY 1983-1984
Jose “Joe” C. Nakao (RY 1982 -1983)
A microbiologist with the classification of Past Service (Virus Research). During his term, recruitment and the fellowship spirit flourished; reports, files and records were in order; funds were meticulously monitored.
“Mankind is One – Build Bridges of Friendship Through the World”
RY 1982-1983
Sabellon “Bill” Wale (RY 1981 1982)
A doctor with the classification of Medicine. Involved in research and as Director of Silliman University Extension Service; helped establish the Club’s Foundation with the intention to widen the avenues of International and Community Service; facilitated in establishing a Scholarship Fund for deserving students.
“World Understanding and Peace Through Rotary”
RY 1981-1982
Marciano “Mars” O. Kho (RY 1980 – 1981)
A businessman with classification of Grains Supplier and Dealer; continued the fellowships and meetings which fostered interaction and the growth of the club; invited delegates and speakers to club assemblies and convention. Constant delegate to Rotary Convention in Davao City.
“Take Time to Serve”
RY 1980-1981
Henry “Henry” A. Sojor (RY 1979 -1980)
An educator with the classification of Education. Organized many fellowships and socials for the club; strengthened Club Service after its organization. Organized the Rotary Club of Tolong, jointly sponsored with RC Dumaguete.
“Let Service Light the Way”
RY 1979-1978
Willes “Willes” L. Matiao (RY 1977-78; 1978-79)
A businessman with the classification of Appliance Distributor. The first president; spearheaded fundraisers to help get the Club started. Initiated donation to the PNP and Philippine Mental Health Association. Sponsored DISTAS together with the Mother Club, the Rotary Club of Dumaguete. Now serve as Chairman of Matiao Group of Companies.
“Serve to Unite Mankind”
RY 1977-1978
“Reach Out”
RY 1978-1979